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Resources & Downloads

Participant Manual Breakout Tracks PEP Action Plans

Sigma Nu Institute resources and downloads are available below. Use the links above to jump to a specific resource type. For any document with input fields, first download and save to your local machine before editing as inputting in the browser before saving the document will not capture your inputs.

Participant Manual

2024 SNI Participant Manual

An editable version of the participant manual. Download and work from a local copy before editing to ensure responses are saved.

Breakout Tracks

Alumni Relations Chaplain & Brotherhood Community Service & Philanthropy LEAD Lt. Commander
Marshal Recruitment Risk Reduction & Social Scholarship Treasurer

Alumni Relations

Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/alumnirelationschairman

Alumni Relations Chairman Manual

Alumni Development Action Plan

PEP Resources for Alumni Relations

Best Practices Library

Chaplain & Brotherhood

Officer resoure page - www.sigmanu.org/chaplain

Office of Chaplain Manual

Brother Development Action Plan

PEP Resources for Brother Development

Best Practices Library

Sample Brotherhood Calendar

Community Service & Philanthropy

Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/cspchairman

Community Service & Philanthropy Chairman Manual

Community Service and Philanthropy Action Plan

PEP Resources for Service & Philanthropy

Best Practices Library

Reflections on Service Guide

Use this resource as a tool to assist you in leading discussions and activities designed to have members reflect on service efforts conducted by the chapter.

Service and Philanthropy Tracking Sheet

Use this resource to track community service hours and philanthropic donations raised by chapter members.

CrowdChange - Online philanthropy fundraising platform.

CrowdChange - How To Video


Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/leadchairman

LEAD Chairman Manual

Brother Development Action Plan

PEP Resources for Brother Development

Best Practices Library

LEAD Facilitator Materials

LEAD Online Resource Library

Virtual Ideas for LEAD

Virtual Based Facilitation

Lt. Commander

Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/ltcommander

Lt. Commander Manual

The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.

Risk Reduction Policy

Governance and Accountability Action Plan

Pursuit of Excellence Program (PEP)

PEP Resources for Governance and Accountability

Best Practices Library

Officer Transition Resources

Honor and Judicial Board Structure

As Lt. Commander, one of your primary expectations is to establish and chair an Honor/Judicial Board for disciplinary matters that may not warrant Trial Code. This document provides a standard structure to help you operate an efficient Honor/Judicial Board.


Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/marshal

Marshal Manual

Candidate Development Action Plan

PEP Resources for Candidate Development

Best Practices Library


Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/recruitmentchairman

Recruitment Chairman Manual

Recruitment and Manpower Action Plan

The Recruitment Bluebook

A step-by-step instruction manual on how to create a values-based, year-round recruitment plan. It is the "nuts and bolts" or the "how to" of recruitment. Use the Bluebook as a guide to develop the chapter's recruitment and manpower action plan.

PEP Resources for Recruitment and Manpower

Best Practices Library

Risk Reduction & Social

Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/riskreductionchairman and www.sigmanu.org/socialchairman

Risk Reduction Chairman Manual

Social Chairman Manual

The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.

Risk Reduction Policy

Trademark & Licensing Policy

Values Congruent Environments Action Plan

PEP Resources for Values Congruent Environments

Best Practices Library

Risk Reduction resources

Social Planning resources

Special Event Request Form

Educational Programs


Poster Series


Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/scholarshipchairman

Scholarship Chairman Manual

Intellectual Development Action Plan

PEP Resources for Intellectual Development

Best Practices Library

Scholarship Plan Components

Chapter Scholarship Audit

Utilize this tool along with the Scholarship Committee to conduct an audit of your chapter's scholarship program. 

Scholarship Key Application

Sigma Nu’s Educational Foundation offers scholarship keys as an award for the candidate and initiate with the highest single-term GPA each academic year. Complete and submit this application by October 15 each year to ensure qualifying members receive this award.


Officer resource page - www.sigmanu.org/treasurer

Treasurer Manual

Chapter Operations Action Plan

PEP Resources for Chapter Operations

Best Practices Library

The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.

Back to School Information

Tax & 990 Filing Guide

PEP Action Plans

Strategic Planning Resources and PEP Action Plan Templates

Strategic Planning and Action Plans Overview

This resource provides initial guidance and support for the Chapter Strategic Plan Template and the 10 PEP Action Plans. The overview provides resources for developing a strategic plan and create S.M.A.R.T. goals for a chapter's operations.

Chapter Strategic Plan Template

This resource serves as a helpful guide for the development of your chapter's strategic plan and as a complement to the work completed through the PEP Strategy Session and the Strategic Planning LEAD Session. This is a great next step for expanding on your chapter's CofC Action Plan or Sigma Nu Institute Goals into a chapter-wide plan that encompasses each officer, committee, and member.

PEP Action Plans - created to support chapters in developing a comprehensive plan for achieving Excellence in each of the program's 10 operational areas. Each plan facilitates the establishment of officer and committee responsibilities, goals, and operational strategies. The Commander and Lt. Commander should ensure that each action plan is completed by the appropriate officers and committee members and that they support the mission, vision, and purpose of the chapter's overall strategic plan. Action plan templates are designed to be updated each year by incoming officers. Hovering the cursor over an input field will display the instructions for what is intended in that portion of the action plan.

Service and Philanthropy Action Plan

Campus Leadership Action Plan

Values Congruent Environments Action Plan

Intellectual Development Action Plan

Candidate Development Action Plan

Brother Development Action Plan

Alumni Development Action Plan

Recruitment and Manpower Action Plan

Chapter Operations Action Plan

Governance and Accountability Action Plan

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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