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Educational Posters

Sigma Nu is committed to providing risk reduction education for our members in a variety of forms. To that end, we have teamed up with Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Kappa Phi, and Zeta Tau Alpha to create and distribute educational posters addressing a variety of student health and wellness topics, such as hazing prevention, alcohol consumption, and mental health.

These posters and the accompanying discussion guides are designed to facilitate conversations about topics that may affect our brothers, their friends, and their campus community.



Discussion Guide

Learn more about how knowing the strength, amount, and time of your alcohol drink can make for a safer night.

Healthy Connection


Discussion Guide

Use this poster to explore how the elements of dignity and respect are essential elements of the equation to create healthy connections within the chapter. 

Choose Health, Not Harm


Discussion Guide

Use this educational poster and conversation starter to learn more about the reality of substance use on college campuses, distinguish substance use from substance misuse, and develop communication skills for discussing substance use issues with peers.

Balanced Eating


Discussion Guide

Use this poster and accompanying discussion guide to facilitate an important conversation on small changes everyone can make to achieve a more balanced diet and overall better health.

Know Your Drink


Discussion Guide

Use this poster and accompanying discussion guide to review the definition of a standard alcohol drink and practices for accurately monitoring how much alcohol is in your beverage.

Hazing and Community


Discussion Guide

Does hazing build or break down a community? Use this poster and accompanying discussion guide to break down popular misconceptions regarding hazing.

Consent...It Starts with a Conversation


Discussion Guide

This poster highlights the key concepts for understanding consent. The accompanying discussion guide will help facilitate a conversation on understanding how open-ended questions, naming intentions, and expressing personal comfort levels can help members start an open, ongoing conversation on consent.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline


Discussion Guide

Use this poster to facilitate a discussion on the V-A-R Mental Health Support Tool and the important support one can receive through the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Alcohol is a Drug


Discussion Guide

Mixing alcohol with another drug can be dangerous. Use this poster and discussion guide to facilitate an important conversation about drug interactions.

Little h Big H Hazing


Discussion Guide

This poster addresses the misconception of a "Little h" and "Big H" form of hazing.

Social Media Responsibility


Discussion Guide

Use this poster and discussion guide to facilite a quick dialogue on the potential impact of posts on social media and group messaging platforms.

Keep Your Focus


Discussion Guide

The prevalence of cannabinoid use among college students has increased nationwide. This educational poster and discussion guide address the potential effects these substances can have on academic performance and cognitive abilities.

Sleep Is Your Superpower


Discussion Guide

Often people forget the power sleep can have in improving one's mental and physical wellness. Use this poster and discussion guide to explore the benefits of sleep and strategies for getting consistently good sleep.

Have a Plan


Discussion Guide

This poster provides helpful tips on how to create a plan to be safe when choosing to consume alcohol.

The Weight of Hazing


Discussion Guide

This poster addresses the negative consequences of hazing.

Belonging Starts with You


Discussion Guide


This poster explores the relationship between social connection, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Now More Than Ever


Discussion Guide

This poster discusses the one thing that remains constant in a time of extreme uncertainty - the brotherhood and sisterhood formed and supported within each fraternity and sorority.

Keep It Up


Discussion Guide

This poster encourages the continued use of good personal choices to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

Sexual Violence is No Joke


Discussion Guide

This poster highlights a spectrum of sexual misconduct behaviors and prompts participants to embrace our responsibility to stop and prevent those behaviors from occurring.

Prescription Drug Misuse


Discussion Guide

This poster highlights the unintended consequences of pressuring friends to share their prescribed medication.

Be Your Own Bartender (BYOB)


Discussion Guide

Learn the new BYOB system - Be Your Own Bartender.

Being a Big Brother Is...


Discussion Guide

 Using input members shared on social media, this poster highlights the characteristics of a good Big Brother.

Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship Behaviors


Discussion Guide

Developed in partnership with the One Love Foundation, this poster highlights behaviors associated with healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Vaping is Smoking


Discussion Guide

Vaping is Smoking poster This poster addresses the misperception that vaping or using e-cigarettes is healthier than smoking regular cigarettes.

Know Your ABVs


Discussion Guide

Know Your ABVs Poster This poster discusses the typical Alcohol by Volume (ABV) in a standard alcohol drink and why choosing a drink with less ABV is a smart move.

Know the Signs


Discussion Guide

2018 NHPW Poster This poster highlights research findings showing many students fail to recognize hazing activities and oftentimes fail to feel empowered to address it. 

Social Media Responsibility


Discussion Guide

This poster reminds viewers of the importance of recognizing the potential implications of your social media posts. 

What's Your Pour IQ


Discussion Guide

This poster highlights the implications of research findings showing that alcohol drinks poured by college students are typically stronger than standard drinks.

Hazing Facts


Discussion Guide

  This poster highlights important findings from hazing research and a reminder of each member's obligation to address hazing if they should come across it.

Size Matters


Discussion Guide

The Size Matters poster reminds students that “size matters” when it comes to pouring alcoholic drinks. That is, understanding the volume and concentration of different alcoholic beverages is critical for safe consumption.

Men vs. Women (BAC)


Discussion Guide

This poster highlights the ways alcohol consumption can affect men and women directly. 

Present, Accountable, Human


Discussion Guide


This poster emphasizes the importance of checking on others and simply being a good friend when it comes to supporting the emotional well-being of others.

New Year, New You


Discussion Guide


This poster serves as a positive reminder for members that the new year represents a fresh start and is a chance to plan for the future success of their chapter and their own life. 

Brotherhood is...


Discussion Guide


This poster highlights the positive aspects of brotherhood and asks members to consider the true definition of brotherhood.

These Hands Don't Haze


Discussion Guide

  A poster promoting the movement against hazing and challenging members to join the movement by sharing their stories.

You Have Options


Discussion Guide

  This poster was created to coincide with National Hazing Prevention Week which encourages students to report hazing and reminds them of their options for doing so. 

Misplacing Blame


Discussion Guide

  The Misplacing Blame poster was created to generate awareness around the topic of victim-blaming in cases of sexual assault. 

Drunk Does Not Equal Consent


Discussion Guide

  This poster addresses the issue of consent when alcohol is involved and serves as a reminder that everyone has a role in preventing sexual assault. 

Cocaine: It's Not A Party Drug


Discussion Guide

  This poster was created to encourage students to consider the negative effects cocaine use can have by highlighting common side effects. 

Spring Break Social Media Campaign

Discussion Guide

  Throughout February and March, the Fraternity participates in a spring break social media campaign using the hashtag #SafeSpringBreak. Wherever you're headed for the break, remember that what you do is a reflection of yourself, your chapter, and your Fraternity. We encourage you to join the conversation by using the hashtag and always remember: values don't go on break. 

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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