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Welcome to the Alumni and Volunteers services. This section seeks to be a comprehensive place for finding information about Sigma Nu Fraternity’s Alumni and Volunteer services, resources and personnel. Whether you are a collegiate officer looking for additional alumni involvement and support for your chapter or an alumnus seeking to get more involved with the Fraternity, this is your starting point.

Becoming a Volunteer

Part of Sigma Nu Fraternity's Mission is “To perpetuate lifelong friendships and commitment to the Fraternity.” The General Fraternity and local chapters provide opportunities for alumni to stay involved and encourages their support of collegiate chapters and involvements with other alumni chapters and alumni clubs. Learn More >

Alumni Advisory Boards

Alumni Advisory Boards are made up of several individuals who support the undergraduate chapter in various aspects of chapter management. Board members can be Sigma Nu alumni, parents, university faculty or staff, men or women want to support the undergraduate chapter. Learn More > 

Chapter Advisors

Chapter Advisors play a vital role within Sigma Nu. The relationships developed with chapter officers should encourage them to seek the advice and support of the chapter advisor. By gaining the trust and confidence of the chapter’s officers the advisor becomes an incredible resource for the chapter. Without the guidance of, and regular contact with, an advisor, a collegiate chapter faces unnecessary struggles and challenges.  Learn More >

Alumni Best Practices Library

A best practice is an activity, a practice, a program or process that results in or leads to performance at the "excellence" level of the Fraternity's Pursuit of Excellence Program. For alumni, these types of best practices aim to develop advisors both at the individual and group level, so they can improve operations and provide the necessary support for chapters to reach "excellence".  Learn More >

Sigma Nu Mentor Network

The Sigma Nu Mentor Network is an on-demand mentoring platform focused on professional and career development. Through this online platform, young alumni and collegiate brothers have the opportunity to connect with experienced alumni for 1-on-1 career mentoring.  Learn More >

High Council & Grand Officers

The High Council serves as the board of directors of Sigma Nu Fraternity. The Council is composed of seven volunteer alumni elected by the Fraternity's Grand Chapter (legislative convention) and four appointed collegiate members. The Council is responsible for governing the affairs of the Fraternity during the interval between Grand Chapters.  Learn More >

Division Commanders

Chapters of the Fraternity are grouped geographically into Divisions. The High Council appoints a Division Commander, who is an alumnus Brother, for each Division. The Division Commander represents an important link between the various alumni entities (Alumni Advisory Boards, Alumni Clubs, Alumni Chapters and House Corporations) and the General Fraternity.  Learn More >

The Riley Society

The Riley Society is open to any initiated brother who is not on the roster of any collegiate chapter; is a current donor to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation; agrees to receive communications from Riley Society, the Fraternity, and the Foundation; and commits to volunteer with one Sigma Nu alumni event or Helping Hand Initiative event every year. Learn More >

Alumni Chapters

An alumni chapter can be established for each collegiate chapter that has been chartered by the Fraternity. Upon submission of a petition that is signed by at least ten alumni brothers in good standing with the Fraternity the High Council may grant a charter to an alumni chapter. An alumni chapter in good standing is entitled to vote at the Grand Chapter.  Learn More >

Alumni Clubs

Sigma Nu Alumni Clubs exist to provide opportunities for Sigma Nus in a geographical area to meet new people, expand networking opportunities, and enjoy social outings. Sigma Nu Alumni Clubs also participate in various service and philanthropic events to benefit groups in the area. These clubs also allow Sigma Nus to maintain a connection to the Fraternity.  Learn More >


Sigma Nu Fraternity opportunities and events for alumni include Sigma Nu Institutes, Grand Chapter, and various local events.  Learn More >

Alumni Awards & Distinctions

Each year, Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc. recognizes volunteer and professional advisors and alumni officers across a number of categories.  Learn More >

Change of Address

Update your information to receive the latest updates about Sigma Nu.  Learn More >

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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