5 Questions with College of Chapters Participant Jacob Scott (Kansas), Commander
Over the duration of the 2019 College of Chapters, we enlisted several attendees to journal their four-day experience through Sigma Nu's premier leadership training program. Participants chose from several prompts provided and answered their selections at the end of each day. This journal comes from Nu Chapter (Kansas) Commander, Jacob Scott. Jacob was joined at College of Chapters by Lt. Commander, Max Vincent.

What was your journey like to Roanoke for College of Chapters?
The night before the flight I could barely sleep out of excitement. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to make my 7:15 a.m. flight to Charlotte. Upon boarding our flight from Charlotte to Roanoke, everyone on the plane started to realize we were almost all there for the same reason. The plane was just full of Commanders!
What do you want to see your chapter become? How did College of Chapters help you create a compelling vision for your chapter?
My chapter needs to look at the tumultuous campus enviornment across the country and realize that, as a fraternity community, we have to discipline ourselves in our actions and be a leader on our campus. In doing this we must focus our recruitment and candidate programs more heavily on Love, Honor, and Truth. That is where our visions have the largest implications on our brotherhood. I had always known this for our chapter, but the core sessions helped me focus my vision to form concrete ideas I can communicate effectively to my chapter.
What breakout session did you attend?
I attended the Strengths and Weaknesses breakout session. It allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses and learn how to take advantage of that knowledge to lead effectively. I liked it so much that the first week back at school we are going to have our whole Executive Board do the exercise.
What did you think of the closing keynote from Bill Courtney (Mississippi)? What messages stood out to you from his remarks?
This was the most motivational speech I have ever heard throughout my life. His overall message was incredible. Get a mirror and a compass. Your compass will let you know what is right and wrong and help you make decisions. But as a leader, wake up every day and look in the mirror. Why are you doing what you are doing? If the answer is for anything other than for those in your organization, either resign or do whatever you need to do to change that by tomorrow. He was incredible and I wish that my whole chapter could have listened to his whole message.
What did you expect College of Chapters would be like? How were your expectations correct? Incorrect?
I expected it to be entirely a "check off the box" format to make sure we understood all the rules and guidelines. I was wrong, I learned what I signed up for as Commander and developed an understanding of how to convey my vision to Nu Chapter and use it to strategically accomplish goals. I also learned what my leadership style will look like and how to effectively lead others.
Keep an eye out for our Spring 2019 issue where we'll provide in-depth coverage of the 2019 College of Chapters experience.