Get a Mirror
Letter from the Editor
“Nobody knows you better than you, and you need to look in a mirror every day. That mirror will tell you who you are and what you are.”
That was the sage advice Bill Courtney (Mississippi) provided to over 165 collegiate brothers at the recent 2019 College of Chapters, and it’s a piece of advice any man should take with them at any point in their life.
But this wisdom is especially true for Sigma Nu, even more-so as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary. 150 years ago, three men came together and formed a brotherhood based on the values of Love, Honor, and Truth. They knew exactly who they were and knew exactly the kind of brotherhood they wanted to establish at Virginia Military Institute. Since that historic day, many things about Sigma Nu have changed but its fundamental principles and mission has not. Our Founders likely did not envision a LEAD Program or even a Fraternity spanning across the nation, but those outcomes were all rooted in knowing who we are and what we are.
As much as the world has changed in 150 years, and even the Fraternity’s governance or programs, we have never abandoned the solid-as-a-rock foundation that has led us to today. We have never tried to be something we’re not.
On an individual level, it’s a refreshing challenge for every initiate to pose to themselves. You’ve taken an oath, and by that logic you have outwardly said, “This is who I am. I am a man who will direct my actions with a high sense of honor. I am a man who will disavow the childish practice of hazing and will be an ethical leader for my community no matter how small or large.”
If your look into your mirror reveals someone who is not exemplifying those principles, then who are you?
This issue will find you at the beginning of a new year, a time full of bold resolutions for ourselves. I would submit another resolution to add to your list: A year that does not leave a doubt to any outside observer as to who I am.
This can sound very philosophical, and certainly a sophomoric reaction is to retreat into the realm of harsh pragmatism. But if the real world seems reluctant to accept our values, our vision of excelling with honor, and our mission to develop ethical leaders then I would argue that only serves as further proof for their need.
If we, as brothers of Sigma Nu, continue to stay true to who and what we are, we will have set the stage for another 150 years of Love, Honor, and Truth in a world that desperately needs it.
Fraternally Yours,

Drew Logsdon (Western Kentucky)