Chico State Optimistic for the Year Ahead
Chapter & Alumni News
The Iota Kappa Chapter had a very successful year earning our way off of suspension and back onto our campus along with the acceptance of two extremely promising Pledge classes. The Fall 17’ Class “Diesel” was comprised of 7 members while the Spring 18’ Class “Apache” had 19 members; all of whom displayed the values of Love, Truth, and Honor as well as dedication to the growth of the Chapter. Heartfelt goodbyes were also made to the graduating seniors.
Greatest wishes and best of luck to Brothers Chase Bright, Jake Veiga, Jan Arendain, Jordan Pankey, Jake Lux, Cesar Contreres, Kevin Le, Andy Do, Jeremiah Howell, Nick Adamson, Adam Menkes, Riley Dewitt, Danny Fox, Chandler Bluhm, Spencer Currie, Trevor Bauhman, Noah Young, Jake Auby, and Kevin Soils Jr.

The Chapter is very excited to welcome the newly appointed Executive Council including Brothers Blake Emery (Emminent Commander), Gianni Filardo (Lieutenant Commander), Owen Rempel (Treasurer), Diego Cardoso (Recorder), Connor Mcgarty (Alumni Relations), and Kiro Guirguis (Fall Marshal). All new members of the Executive Council are from the Spring 17’ Pledge Class, Invictus, aside from Brother Owen Rempel who is a member of Fall 17’ Diesel.
A major congratulations to Brothers Blake Emery (VP of Recruitment) and Kiro Guirguis (VP of Administration) for being elected as the chapter’s IFC representatives and receiving the leadership and service award on behalf of the chapter. Blake along with new member Luke Bergstrom have also been attending basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia, and are currently being trained to become infantrymen.
It has also been a pleasure electing the newest sweetheart, Ellie Guinchard who as former president of the Chico State Chapter of Alpha Phi has strengthened our ties with the sorority. Ellie has also gone above and beyond in connecting with each and every individual Brother and truly represents the pillars of Love, Truth, and Honor. The Chapter is proud to call Ellie the Sigma Nu sweetheart.
The Brothers also enjoyed an amazing formal at a wonderful mansion in the Tahoe Blue Estate where no damages or incidentals were incurred.
A new Philanthropy endeavor by the name of Patriot Days is being planned for the first semester where the chapter will team up with the sororities on campus to raise money through social media, fundraising, and a paint party for a loca Veteran’s Housing Program by the name of “Vector’s House”.
Great aid has come to the chapter in the form of Alumni support in restoring the house. A few Brothers and Alumni stayed throughout the summer under the guidance of older alumni John Ballow to repaint, remodel, and add new features to the historic home of the Iota Kappa Chapter.
The Brothers of the Iota Kappa Chapter #194 are optimistic for the year, and look forward to taking all opportunities that come their way.