Philadelphia's Brotherhood Camping Retreat
Chapter & Alumni News
This past month the Mu Pi Chapter took part in a Brotherhood Camping Retreat in Barryville, New York where the brothers participated in team building and bonding activities such as hiking, fishing, and participating in two LEAD sessions. The camping trip took place the first weekend of the semester and served as a great way to get everyone back involved together and ready for the new school year. Members of the chapter took turns preparing and cooking meals and had a great time around the campfire. The Chapter is working to ensure that this trip will continue to take place in the future as an annual event.

The Chapter also ran its annual Bike for a Cure philanthropy event where the brothers took turns riding a stationary bike for 36 hours straight to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer research. The bike was set up outside the student center on campus during the involvement fair and many students, faculty, and staff donated to help the cause. Some even volunteered their time to ride the bike including members of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity and Theta Phi Alpha and Delta Phi Epsilon sororities. This event is one of the Mu Pi Chapter's signature philanthropy events on campus and this year we raised $263, a 50% from last year.