On the Shoulders of Giants
Letter from the Editor
While the principles of Sigma Nu have stood stalwart over 150 years, the Sigma Nu of today looks entirely different from the Sigma Nu of the late 1800s. In the course of that large breadth of time, the Fraternity has seen membership from almost every continent (incredibly difficult to recruit in Antartica) and there is no facet of society in which a Sigma Nu cannot be found excelling with honor.
The Fraternity has seen musicians, poets, playwrights, artists, soldiers, sailors, airmen, innovators, inventors, scholars, teachers, doctors, lawyers, philanthropists, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and a multitude of men in-between join the hallowed ranks of our brotherhood. We have mourned these same men when they have entered the Chapter Eternal, and have sought to honor their legacies by fulfilling our own commitment to the oath we took upon our initiation.
Our foundation was laid down by three men who breathed life into our great Fraternity, to whom we owe a debt that can never be repaid, but we also owe our thriving existence today to the works of every initiate who came before us.
In the Hall of Honor at the Fraternity’s Headquarters one needs only to look up in reverence at the names etched along the cornice to see some of the men who made exceptional contributions to our foundation. Names like Baldinger, Bennett, Carmichael, Crowdus, Fletcher, Howard, Mills, Omohundro, Palmer, Roberts, Scott, Sears, and Wells.
Isaac Newton wrote, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
These are our Giants.
These are the men who fulfilled their oaths to their final days and allowed us to enjoy the Sigma Nu we know and love today.
It is entirely intentional that the small groups at College of Chapters are named after these men. It is from their work that the Legion of Honor’s current collegiate leaders make impacts on their campuses, develop as ethical leaders, and forge the ties of brotherhood that will carry us forward for another 150 years.
In the pages that follow you will see the stories of such men, our Giants, and those who stand today on their shoulders. May we all labor so that one day a brother who follows us may say the same of us.
Fraternally Yours,

Drew Logsdon (Western Kentucky)
Managing Editor