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Letter from the Editor

In the August 1913 issue of The Delta, Walter James Sears (Kansas), a future Regent of the Fraternity, assumed the magazine's editor role, taking over from Clarence Woods (Central). In his opening letter to the readers, the “View and Review,” Brother Sears acknowledged the 30th anniversary of the magazine, pledged his commitment to building upon the legacy of the editors who came before him, and outlined five objectives for the magazine that codified its purpose. Those objectives were:

  1. "To maintain a permanent record of the progress and development of the Fraternity.
  2. To keep its active members in constant touch with the plans and activity of each other.
  3. To bring the alumni members into helpful and abiding relationships of happy and uplifting fellowship.
  4. To present and discuss the problems of college life and education.
  5. To promote the ideals of the Fraternity, to enrich its faith and doctrine, to strengthen the ties of friendship, and to enlarge the sources of human love, courage, zeal, self-sacrifice, culture, democracy, and aspiration.”


110 years later, having now passed the 140th anniversary of the magazine in April 2023, it is with great pride that the Fraternity continues the work envisioned by Sears and all the editors who came after him who contributed to the formation of the cherished publication we know today. 

As you read through this issue, we hope you find the selection of stories true to Sears’ objectives and are inspired by the achievements of the Legion of Honor and its members. In our cover feature, you’ll read about Brother Clayton Ketcher (Columbia), a collegiate member balancing life as a professional racecar driver and officer in his chapter. You’ll hear from Brother Noah Borton (Southern Utah) as he shares his experience advocating for the fraternity/sorority movement as President of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. You’ll learn about the events and activities of the 70th Grand Chapter which took place in Fort Lauderdale, earlier this summer (pg. 14). You’ll be riveted by the stunning upset of the 1963 Florida Gators over the Alabama Crimson Tide and the brothers that contributed to the victory. Finally, you’ll see servant leadership in action from Arizona Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall (Arizona State) as he brings our fraternal principles to the boardroom, creating an award-winning culture within the MLB. 

As always, The Delta spotlights outstanding alumni and chapter news. This issue also includes a report of our award recipients for 2023, including the esteemed alumni inducted into the Fraternity’s Hall of Honor and Hall of Fame. 

We hope you enjoy this issue and would love to hear from you with feedback and ideas for stories we should consider for future issues. Letters to the editor, comments, and general feedback can be sent to news@sigmanu.org.


Christopher Brenton (North Carolina State)
Managing Editor

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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