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2023 NIC Award Winners

Undergraduate Award of Distinction

Dominic A. Frattura, IV (Arizona State) 

As a founding member of the Zeta Upsilon Chapter’s return to Arizona State University, Dominic Frattura made it his mission to promote leadership, academic excellence, and community service within the chapter. He played a crucial role in organizing most events over the chapter’s entire recent existence, as well as spearheading initiatives that encouraged his fellow fraternity members to give back to their community, get involved on campus, and uphold the highest standards of the organization. Dominic’s impact extended beyond his chapter as he worked tirelessly to create new traditions on campus, with a focus on leadership development and anti-hazing initiatives throughout the IFC community. He has a clear vision of how he can use his skills and experiences to make a positive impact on society. He has a passion for community service and a commitment to promoting ethical leadership in everything he does. 

Elliot C. Siekmann (Southeast Missouri State)  

Elliot Siekman has no fear when it comes to being a leader. He has served in seven different officer roles within his chapter, including Commander. These roles have allowed him to gain valuable experience and trust from his brothers. During Elliot’s presidency, the Mu Kappa Chapter greatly succeeded in scholarship, service, involvement, and achievement. With a chapter of more than 100 men, it can be difficult to meet and understand the needs of all members. Elliot created service teams and study programs to help the chapter earn the highest GPA among fraternities on campus, with a 3.413 GPA in the Fall 2022 semester. He was involved with numerous campus organizations and has earned many accolades from Sigma Nu, Order of Omega, and more.

Advisor Award of Distinction

Scott C. Rutledge (Arizona State) – Zeta Upsilon Chapter Advisor

Since becoming the Zeta Upsilon Chapter Advisor in 2012, Scott has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the chapter and the Greek system at large. Scott’s dedication to Sigma Nu Fraternity is evidenced by his attendance at meetings and charity events, often supporting them monetarily. His model of mentorship and advising has been so successful that he received the ASU Advisor of the Year Award last year and the Sigma Nu Chapter Advisor of the Year Award in 2019. Scott has changed countless lives for the better through his mentorship and guidance.

Alumnus Award of Distinction

Stanley A. Bugh (Oklahoma State) 

Stan Bugh is one of Sigma Nu’s most dedicated local volunteers and has served in multiple roles for the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University since 1997. He led the fundraising, project design, and construction oversight for a new $11 million chapter home to replace the chapter’s 90-year-old facility. His support of the collegiate chapter in navigating this project, including finding alternative group housing while demolition and construction were taking place, and his development of innovative mentoring and career networking opportunities, display his above-and-beyond volunteer efforts. Stan was recognized as Sigma Nu Fraternity’s House Corporation Officer of the Year in 2022. 

Chapter Award of Distinction

Zeta Upsilon Chapter (Arizona State)

The  Zeta Upsilon Chapter at Arizona State University regularly performs at the highest levels and serves as a model in campus involvement, with 98% of members involved in other student organizations. The chapter boasts the newly elected, current, and immediate past presidents of the student government; three of the eight current IFC officers; 16 student senators; three consecutive collegiate grand councilmen on the Fraternity’s Board of Directors; and a current student board member of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation. The chapter’s impact on a local and national scale is evident by being a Rock Chapter Award recipient in 2021.

Mu Kappa Chapter (Southeast Missouri State)

This chapter is a constant source of leadership, high academic achievement, and philanthropy standards on their campus. The Mu Kappa Chapter earned the highest IFC grades on campus during the Fall 2022 semester, and every member is involved in at least one additional campus organization with numerous in key leadership positions. Also recognized in 2022 as an NIC Chapter of Distinction recipient, they are known for their constant drive for improvement a Southeast Missouri State University and for being a constant role model for other students on campus.

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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