2016 Awards Winners
Merit Awards
Man of the Year

Garrett Oberst is an initiate of our Epsilon Mu Chapter at Butler University. He recently completed his degree in Chemistry and graduated with a 3.94 GPA this spring.
Garrett served the Epsilon Mu Chapter as Commander, LEAD Phase IV Chairman, and on the chapter’s Risk Reduction, Academic, and Campus Involvement Committees. He also held the distinction of serving as a Collegiate Board Member on the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation Board of Directors and as a member of the 66th Grand Chapter’s Nominating Committee.
Brother Oberst was a four-year member of the Butler University Rowing Team and received two time honors as a Butler University Top 100 student. He holds memberships in Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Omega, and Mortar Board honor societies, as well as a Treasurer of the National Society for Collegiate Scholars. He was a student and mentor in the Butler University Honors Program, member of the Homecoming Court, and recipient of several competitive scholarships.
“I have consistently found him to be dedicated, engaged, and one who acts tirelessly and selflessly on behalf of the chapter and Fraternity,” said Adam Novotney Epsilon Mu chapter advisor. “Those who can excel at this point in their lives are those who reach a balance of academic achievement, campus and community service, and social development.”
Scholar of the Year

Connor Mojo (Oklahoma State) recently completed his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering with a 4.0 GPA. In addition to his achievements in the classroom, Connor accumulated a consistent record of service to his chapter, including turns as Scholarship Chairman as chairman of the Risk Reduction, Bylaws, and Executive Committees. He also served as President and Vice President of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vice President of the Oklahoma State University Student Foundation, Senator for the Student Government Association, and Representative to the College of Engineering’s Student Council.
Connor was the recipient of 17 competitive scholarships for his academic success, community service, campus involvement, and leadership experience. He was also recognized by his university as an Outstanding Senior and Senior of Significance.
His professors describe him as “one of the top, if not the top, student in the entire Industrial Engineering and Management program.” Of the thousands of students Dr. Sundresh Heragu has seen in his 28 years in the field, this year’s honoree is “a truly exceptional student who applies himself to everything he undertakes and executes. Despite all of his accomplishments, he is a modest individual and exhibits the highest levels of integrity, ethical behavior, and character.” Dr. Camille DeYoung describes him as, “an outstanding young man and our world is a better place with him in it.”
This summer he started work as a buyer for Philipps 66’s procurement division, with plans to start his MBA before a career in supply chain and operations.
Athlete of the Year

A.J. Wolf (Duke) has served as a three-year starting defensive tackle for the Duke football team. A.J. has had numerous athletic accomplishments, including 1st Team Academic All-American honors from the College Sports Information Directors of America; six-time Academic All-ACC Team Recognition; ACC Player of the Week; recipient of the Mike McGee Award for most outstanding Defensive Lineman; 2015 ACC Tackle Champion (Highest Amount of Recorded Tackles in ACC); and two-time Most Improved Defensive Player.
In addition to his athletic achievements, AJ graduated with a 3.7 GPA in Public Policy Studies and served as Gamma Chapter’s Philanthropy Chairman. Beyond the classroom and chapter, AJ co-founded and served as president of the Lideres Unidos Futbol Club, an after school soccer program for underprivileged Latino youth.
Matt Alston, Commander of Gamma Chapter, describes AJ’s desire to give back to the community as “insatiable.” To get the youth futbol program off the ground, AJ raised over $5,000 through sponsorships and crowdfunding campaigns. The organization now has over 40 active members of the Durham public high school system. “AJ is a loving and caring brother,” Alston said.
AJ plans to pursue a career in the NFL and then work in sales and trading, with an eye on asset management, hedge funds, venture capital, and private equity.
Alpha Affiliates
Logan O. Duncan, Alpha #620 (Georgia)
Logan Duncan majored in Finance, earning a 3.87 cumulative GPA. During his tenure as an undergraduate member of Mu Chapter, he served as Treasurer and Chaplain. He also served as President of the Dean William Tate Honors Society and was a recipient of Mu Chapter’s Robert Durham Medal of Excellence.
Within his campus community he was a mentor for the Terry Leadership Center in the College of Business, a portfolio manager for the Apollo Society, Treasurer for the University of Georgia’s Men’s Club Water Polo team, and member of the Order of Omega Honor Society. Logan was also a spring investment banking analyst for Frisch Capital Partners.
Lucas A. Flowers, Alpha #621 (Case Western Reserve)
Lucas Flowers is a graduate of Case Western Reserve with an impressive 3.70 GPA in Computer Science and Mathematics. Despite the workload that comes from being a student in his chosen field he remained engaged in Delta Alpha Chapter by serving as Historian and two terms as Recorder. Additionally, he served on several chapter committees. In these roles he wrote 1,800 lines of JavaScript Code to enhance the chapter’s historical recordings and alumni directory, grew the chapter’s digital archives from 20 to 200 gigabytes, and authored an addendum to James Paxton’s “History of Sigma Nu in Cleveland.”
Outside of his excellent academic performance and chapter involvement Lucas was also Sound Designer, Secretary, and House Crew member for the Footlighters, a student run musical theater group. He was also a violinist for his University’s symphony orchestra.

Matthew C. Holdren, Alpha #622 (Case Western Reserve)
Matthew Holdren graduated with a 3.82 GPA in Aerospace Engineering. His chapter involvement includes terms as Delta Alpha Chapter’s Commander, LEAD Chairman, Recruitment Chairman, and Alumni Relations Chairman. Additionally, he served within the campus’ IFC as Vice President of Service and Philanthropy.
Outside of his fraternal leadership, Matthew was also Captain and Vice President for Case Western Reserve University’s Rowing Team and a Bronze Medalist at the American Collegiate Rowing Association’s National Championship. He was also a co-founder and Vice President for the Acts of Random Kindness student organization.
Daniel L. Humphrey, Alpha #623 (Stetson)
While earning a 3.77 GPA in Political Science and Economics, Daniel Humphrey served as Delta Mu Chapter’s Commander and also served on Sigma Nu’s High Council as a Collegiate Grand Councilman. He was recognized by Stetson University in 2016 as their Fraternity Man of the Year and as their Greek Scholar of the Year in 2015.
Daniel was also served terms as Vice President and Secretary of Communication for Stetson’s Student Government Association. He was also the founder and President of Stetson’s Mock Trial Team. He was the Recorder for Stetson’s Interfraternity Council in 2013 and also a member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.
Nathan I. Lupstein, Alpha #624 (Northern Illinois)
Nathan Lupstein is a graduate of Northern Illinois University with a 4.0 GPA in Political Science. He served Theta Eta Chapter through terms as Commander and Candidate Marshal. Interfraternally, Nathan also was a member of Order of Omega Honor Society and served as Philanthropy Chairman.
On campus he was heavily involved in student government with roles as President, Election Commissioner, Chair of Campus Life, and a Greek Affairs Senator. He was President and Outreach Coordinator for the NIU’s Pre-Law Honors Society, President and Founder of Men Against Misogyny on Campus, member of The Remember Project’s Board of Directors, Student Ambassador for the Political Science Student Advisory Council, and Executive Secretary of Circle K.
Connor J. Mojo, Alpha #625 (Oklahoma State)
Connor Mojo majored in Industrial Engineering, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Within the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter he served as Scholarship Chairman. Connor was also recognized by Oklahoma State University as a Top Twenty Freshman Man during his Freshman year.
Connor was heavily involved in several campus organizations including President and Vice President for the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vice President for the Oklahoma State University Student Foundation, Engineering Senator for Student Government Association, and Student Representative for the College of Engineering Student Council. He’s been recognized for his achievements several times as OSU Outstanding Senior, OSU Senior of Significance, and the 2015 Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Student Award.
Blake T. Moskal, Alpha #626 (Butler)
Blake Moskal graduated with a 3.86 GPA majoring in Science, Technology and Society. He served Epsilon Mu Chapter as Lt. Commander in 2014 and IFC Vice President of Finance in 2015. He also served as the Treasurer for Order of Omega Honor Society.
Within his campus community he served as a Student Officer for Intercollegiate YMCA, Mentor for the U.S. Dream Academy, and member of the Mortar Board Honor Society. Blake was also the recipient of the John Weidner Scholarship for Altruism and was named as one of Butler’s top ten male students for 2015-2016. He was also recognized twice as one of Butler’s top 100 students.
Garrett T. Oberst, Alpha #627 (Butler)
Graduating with a 3.94 GPA in Chemistry with a Business minor, Garrett Oberst served Epsilon Mu Chapter as Commander in 2014 and also served as a collegiate representative on Sigma Nu Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors.
He was a co-founder and Vice President for Young Americans for Liberty. His campus involvement includes membership of Butler University’s Rowing Team, Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Order of Omega Honor Society, and Mortar Board Honor Society. He was also recognized as twice as one of Butler University’s top 100 students.

Kyle A. Stoner, Alpha #628 (Southern Mississippi)
Kyle Stoner graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a 3.75 GPA, majoring in Accounting. His campus involvement is impressive including induction into USM’s Undergraduate Hall of Fame in 2016.
He was heavily involved in USM’s Student Government Association with terms as Vice President, President of the Senate, Capital Improvements Chairman, and Senior Senator. He was also on the Executive Team for Gold Eagle Welcome Week, an orientation program for incoming Freshman. He was a re-founding member of USM’s Chapter of Order of Omega Honor Society and was recognized by the Student Government Association as an Outstanding Male Senator. He is also recognized as a Grade 7 Soccer Official by the United States Soccer Fedartion.
Kevin T. Szeluga, Alpha #629 (Minnesota)
Kevin Szeluga graduated with a 3.60 GPA in MIS with Finance and Spanish Minors. He served Gamma Tau Chapter with terms as Commander, Alumni Relations Chairman, and LEAD Chairman for which he was recognized nationally as Sigma Nu’s LEAD Chairman of the Year for 2013-2014. He also served on Sigma Nu’s High Council as a Collegiate Grand Councilman in 2015.
Kevin was also active in his campus community as the IFC’s Director of Philanthropy, At-Large Representative and Director of Student Life for the Minnesota Student Association, External Activities Coordinator for Power Play on Cancer, and Crew Leader for the Business School’s mentor program.
Alumni & Volunteer Awards
Chapter Advisor of the Year – Joe Reyes (Louisiana Tech)
Sigma Nu’s Chapter Advisor of the Year Award is presented to a Chapter Advisor whose efforts go well beyond the job description and include attending officer and chapter meetings, supporting chapter goal-setting and achievement, assisting in the development of special chapter events and programs and supporting the chapter’s use of our Ritual as the foundation for all we do.
Joe Reyes has faithfully served as the Eta Zeta Chapter Advisor for the past 15 years and has previously been recognized by the Fraternity as the 2004 Alumni LEAD Facilitator of the Year and Chapter Advisor of the Year Award in 2005.
Brother Reyes’ commitment to the Fraternity and impact on the collegiate members and chapter are best described by his nominators, a combination of the alumnus brothers he serves with on the chapter’s advisory board and top student leaders in the collegiate chapter.
The advisors with whom Joe serves alongside remarked upon how Joe built trust and earned the respect of the collegiate brothers. “While Joe is the quintessential chapter advisor, it is the extent to which he goes above and beyond to ensure the success of the chapter that truly demonstrates his commitment,” said one of his fellow advisors. “It is impossible to count how many times he has stayed late after chapter meetings or events to come to know the collegiate brothers on a personal level.”
In his time building rapport with the chapter Joe also came to me known as a mentor who provided guidance to help the student leaders stay on the right course. “There is no one more capable of providing this sort of guidance than Joe Reyes,” one of his fellow advisors commented. “Having gained such immense respect from the chapter, when Joe speaks, every single member listens.”
Division Commander of the Year – Jason Dooley (Kennesaw State)
The Division Commander of the Year, awarded annually, goes to the Division Commander who has demonstrated a genuine commitment to the Legion of Honor and whose pattern of performance is a worthy example for others to follow.
Since becoming an alumnus, Jason Dooley has never ceased in his tireless devotion to Sigma Nu as his commitment in serving in key volunteer roles for Sigma Nu has shined for over a decade. His dedication to Love, Truth, and Honor is more than exemplified through his actions as he continues to lead the young men in our chapters to excellence.
In addition to his duties as Division Commander, Brother Dooley has been a devoted volunteer for the Fraternity for many years. Jason is an original member of Task Force Hopkins – tasked with collecting best practices from our best chapters and making them available to all Sigma Nu Chapters. At the national level, in addition to serving on Task Force Hopkins, Jason has served as Division Commander of the Southeast Alpha Division since 2004 and on numerous Grand Chapter committees.
As Division Commander, Brother Dooley is known for dedicating special attention to each of the six chapters in his region as if they were his only chapter. While he comes from a strong chapter, Jason is mindful that while each chapter faces similar challenges, the solutions for these challenges are not one-size-fits-all. His leadership style encourages each chapter to break down the issue, consider various approaches and then take appropriate action. Under his guidance and support, no fewer than four Rock Chapter awards have been conveyed to chapters within the Southeast Alpha Division.
“Jason is a man of action and along with a personable nature, he is a man of positive influence,” said a fellow brother on Brother’s Dooley’s volunteer service. “With all of this noted, Jason is a humble leader. Jason has made a meaningful, substantive contribution to our Fraternity – and to the lives of many men within the Southeast Alpha Division.”
House Corporation Officer of the Year - Paul L. Dobbins (Southeast Missouri State)
The House Corporation Officer of the Year Award is given to a House Corporation Officer who, through his years of service, has been noted for his outstanding work in developing a plan of action for renovation, upkeep and maintenance of the chapter home and its property, and in collaboration with chapter officers, members, alumni, and university administration in maintaining the chapter home and property.
Paul L. Dobbins has served as a volunteer for the Mu Kappa Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University, and as House Corporation President for the past four years. Brother Dobbins’ nominators – a blend of alumni, students, university officials, and alumni of other Greek organizations on campus – all recognized his leadership in making the new Greek Village at Southeast Missouri State a reality. Brother Dobbins acted as a liaison between the university and four fraternities. His efforts on their behalf ultimately led to the housing project that is now underway at Southeast Missouri State.
Chapter advisors from other organizations were quick to credit Paul with driving the effort to secure new housing on campus. “While past feasibility studies and efforts failed to produce a plan, Paul found creative ways to overcome issues - from funding through a combination of foundation scholarships, alumni donation, bond issue and leases – to resolving ADA requirements in construction,” observed one advisor. “I can say without reservation that Paul Dobbins has brought distinction to himself and honor to Sigma Nu through his leadership and tenacity.”
Mu Kappa Chapter has become a stronger chapter thanks to Paul’s leadership. Looking beyond the fraternity community, Southeast Missouri State University and its students are starting a new legacy thanks to Paul’s efforts. Paul’s role in the fundraising effort was so successful that the chapter was able to build a scholarship fund in addition to the funds raised for the new housing. “With the money fundraised we have not only secured our new home but we have also created a scholarship fund that is built to last the next half-century,” remarked a fellow chapter advisor.
Alumni Chapter Officer of the Year - Christopher Foeste (Southeast Missouri State)
The Alumni Chapter Officer of the Year Award is intended to salute that brother whose diligent efforts with the chapter and other alumni have positioned a chapter for success. This award is given to a recognized officer of a chartered alumni chapter who has shown through years of service, leadership contribution to the organization, development and programming by an alumni chapter, and collaboration with chapter alumni and collegiate members.
Brother Christopher Foeste served as a volunteer for the Mu Kappa Chapter for the past thirteen years, with a turn as Chapter Advisor from 2005 to 2010, before taking on his current role as an Alumni Chapter Officer.
Chris has facilitated relationships between the collegiate and alumni chapter by hosting weekend LEAD sessions to promote networking, resume review, and professional counseling. One weekend saw participation from dozens of alumni, many of whom had not been back to campus in over a decade.
In service of the chapter he has attended countless executive and chapter meetings, organized year-round recruitment advisory meetings with the chapter’s recruitment committee, integrated data analysis into recruitment for feedback and future planning, and helped the scholarship committee assist members in applying for and earning thousands of scholarship dollars each year.
He assisted in the planning of the chapter’s new $2.4 million house and was recognized by Southeast Missouri State University as one of five Young Alumni Merit Award Winners in 2015 for his professional successes and ongoing involvement with the University and Sigma Nu.
“Brother Foeste is constantly looking for ways that he can leverage his time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of our chapter,” said one of his chapter brothers. “He is always a brother who can be counted on to drop everything and help the chapter if it is needed. There is no better representation of the values of Sigma Nu than Brother Chris Foeste.”
Alumnus of the Biennium - Neil D. Gilpin (Oklahoma State)
The Alumnus of the Biennium award celebrates that one alumnus over the course of this Biennium, 2014 through 2016, whose singularly significant record of support, sacrifice, and selflessness for the Legion of Honor is beyond exceptional.
Neil D. Gilpin (Oklahoma State) has served both his collegiate chapter and the Fraternity at large in numerous capacities for more than two decades. To name just a few of his volunteer roles and accomplishments:
- Division Commander for the Central Plans Alpha Division for the past 17 years
- Past House Corporation Officer of the Year winner
- Past Task Force Hopkins committee member
- Past Grand Marshal
- Long-time College of Chapters faculty member
- Over 20 years of volunteer service to the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter and House Corporation Board
Brother Gilpin’s nominators describe his impact on the chapter and Fraternity at large as follows: “He was the visionary of the capital fund drive and house renovation effort of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter to which he contributed considerably to the massive multi-million-dollar renovation and helped secure matching funds to launch the General Fraternity’s Center for Excellence construction project.”
Neil spearheaded an ambitious inititiave to raise $1.5 million in matching commitments from Epsilon Epsilon Brothers, for the Spears Family Epsilon Epsilon Center for Excellence at our headquarters. Having taken many candidate classes on a pilgrimage to Lexington over the years, Neil was uniquely qualified to lead this challenge. “This project simply would not have been completed without his vision, relationships, hard work, and persistence,” said one of his chapter brothers. “The fact that he completed such a monumental task within a 90-day window is simply remarkable.”
Greek Advisor of the Year - Ival Gregory (Delta Tau Delta)
The Greek Advisor of the Year Award recognizes a university administrator who has demonstrated exceptional service and performance in the areas of fraternity advisement and related responsibilities.
Ival Gregory is the Assistant Director for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs at Oklahoma State University. In that role he works directly with the Interfraternity Council and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. He also works closely with alumni advisors for the OSU fraternity/sorority community and was instrumental in creating what is believed to be the first Greek Neighborhood Association in the country.
Ival first set foot on the OSU campus in the fall of 1968 as a freshman and was initiated into Delta Tau Delta Fraternity the following March. The majority of Ival’s professional career has been in the private sector where he served in management roles for industry leaders in three different industries.
Ival is widely recognized by students and advisors alike as a keystone of OSU’s award winning Greek community. As one advisor noted, “his hard work often goes largely unappreciated due to his willingness to stay behind the scenes and allow the students to receive the glory.”
Students in particular commend is hard work ethic, dedication to fraternity/sorority excellence, and his constant push to improve the community. “I will forever be in debt to Ival for the life lessons he taught the Interfraternity Council and the wisdom/knowledge he shares with the community on a daily basis,” one student said. “His voracious courage to keep the Greek community at Oklahoma State in contention to be one of the most award winning Greek systems in the nation is impressive and inspiring.”