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10 Results for tag:"Bookshelf"
The Delta - v132n3 - Review: Manning Up
...Review: Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys by Kay S. Hymowitz Bookshelf By Nathaniel Clarkson (James Madison) Previous generations entering the workforce have benefitte
The Delta - v132n3 - Sigma Nu Authors
...Sigma Nu Authors Bookshelf The White House Pop-Up Book <https://www.amazon.com/White-House-Pop-Up-Book/dp/1938700244/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1478712919&sr=1-2&keywords=the+white+house+pop
The Delta - v133n1 - 2017 Book Recommendations
...Book Recommendations for 2017 Bookshelf Every new year marks a time for making resolutions and one of the most frequent ones is to read more. We decided to askone past and two current members of
The Delta - v133n1 - Sigma Nu Authors
...Sigma Nu Authors Bookshelf My Wonderful Life <https://www.amazon.com/Wonderful-Life-being-right-place/dp/0967453569/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1489589071&sr=8-1&keywords=my+wonderful+life> By Rene
The Delta - v133n2 - Sigma Nu Authors
...Sigma Nu Authors Bookshelf A Welcome Murder <https://www.amazon.com/dp/1633882632/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T1_A6qBzbDHMRTE0> By Robin Yocum (Bowling Green State) <https://www.amazon.com/dp/1633882632
The Delta - v133n2 - Summer Recommended Reading
...Summer Recommended Reading Bookshelf Following up on the last issue’s book recommendations we went back and asked for a few more to add to your summer reading list. Recommended by: Vice Regent M
The Delta - v134n1 - Disrupting the Leadership Paradigm, One Tribe at a Time
...Disrupting the Leadership Paradigm, One Tribe at a Time Bookshelf By Rob Grabowski (Alabama) What makes a good or successful leader? This question is difficult to answer, especially in today’s
The Delta - v134n2 - Lost History
...Lost History Bookshelf Charlie Trantanella (Tufts) presents his new book to Grand Historian Bob McCully (San Diego State). The Delta sat down with Charlie Trantanella (Tufts) to discuss his
The Delta - v135n1 - Additions to the Library
...Additions to the Library Bookshelf The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies: The New Formula for Market Dominance <http://a.co/d/hhGI0Kn> By Jim Bramlett (Missouri State) Publisher
The Delta - v135n1 - Book Recommendations
...Book Recommendations Bookshelf An educated man is also a reading man. We asked some of our new Leadership Consultants for some of their recommendations on books that impacted them during their co

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