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Virtual Ritual Best Practice Guidance

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted collegiate chapter operations in numerous ways, including conducting the Fraternity’s candidate induction and initiation rituals. For some chapters, local community or campus restrictions and guidelines mean in-person ritual ceremonies cannot practically be conducted.

As part of the updated Pursuit of Excellence, framework guidance was provided on conducting The Ritual with social distancing limitations.

The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc. speaks directly to what makes an individual a candidate and initiate, including the order in which registration, payment, and ritual participation occur.

  • Article 7 Section 2.4 - "…Such candidacy and initiation must be according to the prescribed RITUAL, and anything except that which is prescribed shall be prohibited."
  • Article 4 Section 4 - "When an individual has accepted the invitation of the Chapter at a formal Candidate ceremony, the prospective member shall be officially considered a Candidate of the FRATERNITY."

Additionally, only initiates are eligible for officer positions described by The Law.

  • Article 7 Section 6.1 – “ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICE. No member of the Chapter shall be eligible for any Chapter office described in Section 5 above unless he has been initiated into the FRATERNITY according to the RITUAL.”

The Grand Chapter has recently amended The Law to allow for accommodation of special needs of participants in conducting or participating in The Ritual.

  • Article 5 Section 2 - Accommodation of Special Needs by the Ritual - "When a participant in a ritual has a disability, the Chapter shall make reasonable accommodations, provided that the intent of the Ritual is maintained."
Cases where chapters are restricted by geography, access to secure indoor space that would allow for social distancing limitations and occupancy reductions to be followed, and/or on campuses that have restricted in-person gatherings by student organizations to the point where the in-person performance of The Ritual cannot be accomplished present a bona fide disability for participants.

Only when the above conditions are present, does the Fraternity suggest chapters conduct virtual ritual ceremonies.

Best Practice Guidance for Conducting Virtual Ceremonies

The following best practice guidance is offered to chapters developing event plans and executing virtual Ritual ceremonies. 

  • Review this guidance
  • Develop the Chapter's virtual ritual event plan
  • Submit the event plan via the Virtual Ritual Ceremony Form (link at end of guidance)
  • Fraternity staff will follow up with the chapter to confirm or conduct further review of the event plan before conducting any virtual ceremony
Select a technology/platform that allows for:
  • Creating private meetings where attendees receive an event-specific link
  • Have a waiting room or similar feature (e.g. password) that allows the meeting organizer to moderate access to the meeting in real-time, including the ability to remove disruptive or undesired attendees
  • Verifying attendee identities during the meeting (i.e. display names to match attendee names)
  • Meeting organizer to view the screens of all participants (or anyone participant at any time) to confirm they are adhering to privacy and secrecy oaths
Preparing for the Ceremony
  • Limit participation to essential attendees. For example, the meeting organizer/moderator, those officers necessary to conduct the ceremony, and individuals going through the ceremony (i.e. new members to become candidates, candidates for initiation).
    • This will prioritize bandwidth and limit work done by the moderator in managing all participants.
  • Assign a meeting organizer/moderator separate from the Ritual team who is familiar with the meeting platform and can:
    • moderate attendee admission,
    • monitor video feeds for privacy/secrecy concerns,
    • troubleshoot technology/attendee issues during the ceremony
  • Ensure all members of the Ritual team have access to a Ritual book
    • If necessary, the Commander may designate other initiates to stand in for a Ritual officer who may not be able to participate in the ceremony or does not have access to needed materials
    • It is not permissable to copy or digitally transmit portions of The Ritual
  • Ensure the Chaplain (or a designee to replace the Chaplain during the ceremony if necessary) has all necessary materials for the ceremony (e.g. Bible, sword/blade)
  • Ensure the meeting organizer/moderator has digital files for any images to be used during the ceremony (e.g. badge, coat of arms, flag)
  • Ensure the Ritual team reviews the ceremony in advance to identify necessary adjustments for virtual facilitation (e.g. virtual high fives in lieu of in-person handshakes).
Tips for Participants
  • Use a computer with a webcam (if at all possible)
  • Join the meeting 10 minutes early – to test the connection, be verified to participate
  • Wear business attire
  • Be in a private space
  • Commit to the 45-60 minute ceremony and refrain from texting, recording, or taking pictures
During the Ceremony
  • At the outset of the meeting and before beginning any portion of The Ritual have attendees demonstrate on camera that they are in a private space with a controlled environment (e.g. closed doors and windows)
  • Affirm understanding that participation in The Ritual includes an oath of secrecy on the content and specifics of the ceremony and that they intend to adhere to a said oath(s)
  • Require participants to keep their cameras on at all times
  • Require participants to play audio through a headset
  • Mute participants except at times when they are actively speaking (officers) or called upon to speak (candidates)

Once an event plan is developed, please complete the Virtual Ritual Ceremony Form to have the chapter’s plan reviewed by General Fraternity staff. The plan must be reviewed by General Fraternity staff through the Virtual Ritual Ceremony Form submission prior to executing a virtual Ritual ceremony. A separate event plan should be created and reviewed for each ceremony the chapter intends to conduct.

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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