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Mu Chapter Earns NIC Award of Distinction

Brad Beacham, Executive Director
Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
(540) 463-1869



May 17, 2012

Lexington, Va. – Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.

The Mu Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity at the University of Georgia recently received theprestigious Award of Distinction from the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC).

Created in 2002, the Award of Distinction recognizes individual collegiate chapters for overallexcellence and outstanding achievement. To be considered for the award, a chapter must benominated by its national organization; only a select few of the nominees receive the award. TheMu Chapter is the first chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity to earn the distinction.

“Our entire Fraternity is proud of this high honor bestowed upon the Brothers of our MuChapter. This award is reserved for the best of the best. The recipients are held as examples tomore than 5,500 collegiate chapters of men’s fraternities in North America. The Mu Chaptermay be one of our oldest chapters, but it is not resting on its laurels. The honorable men of MuChapter have earned this recognition by virtue of their hard work and dedication to theirKnightly vows,” said Brad Beacham, Executive Director of Sigma Nu Fraternity.

The NIC Chapter Award of Distinction is the latest honor in a series of prestigious distinctionsfor the Mu Chapter. In 2010, at the 64th Grand Chapter in Boston, Mu Chapter earned the RockChapter award, which is presented each biennium to chapters that have achieved excellence in allareas of chapter operations. The Rock Chapter award is the highest distinction a collegiatechapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity may attain. In 2009, the story of Mu Chapter’s resurgence wasfeatured in The Delta magazine.

Founded at the University of Georgia in Athens, in 1873, the Mu Chapter is one of Sigma Nu’soldest chapters and has enriched the lives of more than 2500 initiates since its founding.

Headquartered in Lexington, Va., Sigma Nu Fraternity was founded in 1869 at Virginia MilitaryInstitute in Lexington and currently has more than 175 active chapters and colonies on collegecampuses throughout North America.

The North American Interfraternity Conference was founded in 1909 and is the trade associationrepresenting 75 national and international men’s Greek-letter fraternities. The NIC’s purpose isto advocate for the needs of its members and support the growth and advancement of the fraternity experience.


© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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